Our sessions

Daisy Chain in June

Our activities are carefully planned on a weekly basis to reflect the children’s current interests and play themes, always building and extending on previous learning and development.

Our activities are influenced by the children. If they show a particular interest or developmental need this is taken into account in the planning.

A usual session follows this format:

  • We open at 9am. Children enter through the back door from the car park. Once children are confident about coming into session, they are encouraged to come into the setting independently. Children are encouraged to hang up bags and coats and place lunches on the lunch box shelf. Helping them develop their independence. Any inhalers, medication and nappy cream need to be signed in by parents at the door. Settling in is an individual process for each child. Staff will give every support to the family to make this as smooth as possible.
  • Children are free to make their own play choices.
  • Children can move around the setting choosing to play wherever they wish. Adults work with the children as they explore their chosen activity, supporting them by encouraging play and exploration, active learning, literacy, numeracy, physical skills, social skills, understanding the world around them, creativity and thinking critically. During the session they will be offered the chance to take part in the themed daily adult led activity.
  • During the session the snack table is prepared. As this is run in a café style, children may choose when to visit the table to have a drink and snack. They are asked to wash their hands with support and find their name card from the wall before sitting at the table. The children are encouraged to help with tidy up time before taking part in one of 2 story and song sessions.
  • Our end of session times are 12 noon and 3pm Monday to Thursday. On Friday we finish for the day at 12 noon.

We will provide milk or water and a snack during the session but you are welcome to bring a drink of your own for lunch time.

Children staying for the whole day or attending the 12-3pm sessions will need to bring their own packed lunch.

Children may be able attend from age 2 after prior discussion with the play leader and depending on numbers and ratios.

Learning journeys

Every child’s unique ways of learning and developing through support from parents and staff are observed and recorded using photographs, notes, pictures and quotes all assembled by their key person in their own ‘learning journey’ file. This will show children’s interests, thoughts and ideas and is an idea developed from curriculums in Italy (Reggio Emilia) here at Daisy-Chain – it has been promoted as an ideal way of showing the holistic development of a child rather than previous recording methods of a ‘tick-list’ style.

These records will be complied in partnership with parents whom we recognise as the primary educators of their children and who know them best. Parents and carers are encouraged to contribute to their child’s Learning Journey.

Key person system

Within the group, all children are supported in developing their potential at their own pace. Our Keyworker system enables us to ensure a planned curriculum tailored to the needs of each individual child.

When starting at Daisy-Chain, your child will be allocated a specific member of staff to be your child’s key person. This key person will initially be responsible for the settling-in of your child, making sure they feel secure, reassured and familiar with the preschool’s activities and facilities

Your child’s key person will get to know you and your child well, understanding their levels of development, interests and what motivates them.

Any concerns or queries you may have regarding your child’s stay at Daisy-Chain can be discussed with your child’s key person or our Playleader at any time.

Although each child is allocated a key person, please rest assured that all staff are always available for your child during the session.